Well hel­lo all, it has been awhile since I wrote.

I start­ed a new job on Mon­day. I am work­ing with a com­pa­ny in St. Paul. I have three weeks of train­ing dur­ing the day and then I will switch to 3rd shift.

Not qui­et look­ing for­ward to the whole 3rd shift thing. But it is more mon­ey, and then Amy will have the car dur­ing the day.

Riley is mak­ing lots of sounds. He is fig­ur­ing out his voice and mak­ing nois­es from low to high squeals. He likes to gur­gle and goo. He is get­ting so big as well.

He had a doc­tors appoint­ment on Tues­day and he is in the 90 per­centile in weight, the 75 per­centile in height and 99 per­centile for his head size. So that means, he can hold his head up, but not for too long, because he is ‘top heavy’. His head is too heavy for him. Hope­ful­ly by his next appoint­ment in 2 months, that will have cor­rect­ed itself.

Oth­er than that, he is doing great!

His hair is grow­ing out so he looks so cute cause it is spik­ing on his head!

He had a doc­tors appoint­ment yes­ter­day and it seems he has an ear infec­tion. We had thought that he was teething (he was­n’t rub­bing his ears at all) so we were giv­ing him teething gel and a teething ring and it seemed to work. To doc­tor told us why it seemed to work was because it was reliev­ing the pres­sure in his ears as he would chew on it.

We also had the doc­tor look at his big toes. Ever since he was born the nail on those two toes grew a lit­tle dif­fer­ent. And his big toes were very red. Well, it turns out they are infect­ed. So we have to clean them out and apply anti­sep­tic on them to help them heal.

He also had two shots in his leg. So Tues­day night he had a fever. From the ear ache and the shots, he was­n’t very hap­py. He just want­ed to snug­gle. Poor guy.

He seemed to do bet­ter in the morn­ing, although his fever was start­ing up again.

Not much else is going on. I will keep ya posted!

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