Well, I am on my last week of train­ing for my new assign­ment. I can’t wait to get start­ed, but I am a lit­tle ner­vous too. It will be dif­fer­ent once I am ‘out on the floor’. But I wish all my oth­er clients had train­ing like this. Very comprehensive.

Riley is get­ting so very big. We had to buy him a new car seat. I can’t get over how hap­py and smi­ley he is. When­ev­er he sees Amy, my mom or me, he just lights up and smiles at us. He loves to laugh at me. I tell Amy, it is because of my hair!

Recent­ly we sat him in from of my lap­top and he was so engrossed in it.

He would try and tap on the keys and just watch the mon­i­tor. A few days lat­er, Amy put him in from of my moms PC and he would just attack those keys and watch the screen. When some­thing would pop up, he would try and make it reap­pear by hit­ting one side of the key­board and then the oth­er. And if it worked, he would do it again. He is very smart and will be using a com­put­er in no time.

Amy has him on baby food now. He loves it! She will mix the baby food with rice cere­al and he just eats it up.

And of course, he loves his snug­gle time. Last night mom had him asleep and not 5 min­utes lat­er he was awake. Mom put him next to me on the couch (where he could watch me play World of War­craft) and not 5 min­utes lat­er, he was back asleep!

Amy will put him in bed with us, in the ear­ly morn­ing, and he will slow­ly edge his head close to me, and push Amy off the bed with his feet. So she ends up going to sleep in anoth­er room and Riley and I have the bed to our­selves. And he will sleep for a few more hours.

Court­ney has been gone most of the sum­mer. She switch­es weeks with her dad, but the last time we had her she was at Girl Scout Camp. Then the when she went back to her dads, she went to their church camp. So she has been just a camp­ing away.

Dominic and Mikay­la are both doing good. Just hang­ing around the house, get­ting on each oth­ers nerves. They play nice one day, fight like hell the next. Usu­al sib­ling stuff.

My dad has been in the hos­pi­tal since June 14, and I final­ly went out to see him last night. Time just flew by and I had so much going on with the fam­i­ly that I didn’t have a chance to vis­it him. That, and I don’t like hos­pi­tals unless a baby is being born.

Dad had to have the back part of his leg removed, and if it doesn’t heal, they may need to take off his leg from above the knee. He is doing bet­ter. He orig­i­nal­ly went in for pace­mak­er prob­lems and tired­ness and they found out his leg was infect­ed (I think there was a blocked artery). He is not expect­ed to get out for anoth­er 8–14 weeks!

Not much else has been hap­pen­ing around the house. Been pret­ty quiet.

Cur­rent­ly in my iPod:

  • Pop­u­lar – From the Broad­way Play WICKED
  • Evanescense
  • Beau­ti­ful to Me – Dol­ly Parton
  • Not Ready to Make Nice – Dix­ie Chicks
  • Every­thing for Free – K’s Choice
  • One – Mary J. Blige & US

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