Just got back from the Dolly Concert! I am so wound up! IT WAS UN-BELIEVABLE!
We got there early. My mom and Daughter sporting their Dolly T‑Shirts. We grabbed some pizza, some souvenirs and then took to our seats. WOW! I picked great seats. We were on the aisle (great for a big person like me) an we were pretty close.
The Grascals opened and warmed us up to some great tunes. They mentioned their new single coming out and one of the songs on it “Viva Las Vegas” a Duet with Dolly would be on it. A local Dolly Impersonator danced in the aisles to one of their songs.
Then the band played Hello Dolly while they showed some pictures of Dolly in a “Hello Dolly” golden gown, she was making some cute poses, some funny poses and just being Dolly!
Then Dolly came out to wrap up that song and start off the show (She even plugged a Dollywood commercial while in the songs “Hooray for Dollywood” she even said she would plug a commercial where she could).
She asked us if we wanted to Party. Well, that only means we are going Two Doors Down! She then continued the medley with 9 to 5, Here You Come Again and I believe Jolene.
She talked about new technology and how they had her decked out with like 3 mics (One on her head, one on stage and one in between her assets–she tested that one out and it overly-echoed!). She talked about her costume changes and how they will happen on stage (sorry, no Janet Jackson replay! She said she would have taken out the first four rows)
She played the piano to The Grass is Blue in Norah Jones style. Talked about how Elvis wanted to sing I Will Always Love You, but she didn’t want to give up the publishing rights. (Good thing too!) And sang songs from her new album coming out after the 1st of the year. John Lennon’s Imagine and Kris Kristofferson’s Bobby McGee and a new Song called Blue Smoke (about a train). Her rendition of Imagine almost made me cry.
She sang “I Will Always Love you” with Elvis and by herself. “Little Sparrow” (acapella–you could hear it in the rafters–everyone was so still and quiet. It was just awesome) “Johnny Comes Marchin Home”, “Coat of Many Colors”, “Smoky Mountain Memories”, “Thank God I’m A Country Girl”, “Baby It’s Cold Outside” (on an album with Rod Stewart) “Island In the Streams” (With a Kenny Rogers puppet–that was made here in Minneapolis by a local company–I think called Mini-Effects) Her Encore was Hello God.
Her entire set was (To the best of my knowledge):
Hello, I’m Dolly / Two Doors Down / Medley: Nine To Five, Why’d You Come In Here Lookin Like That, Here You Come Again, Jolene / The Grass Is Blue / Baby It’s Cold Outside / PMS Blues / I Dreamed Of Elvis / I Will Always Love You / Blue Smoke / Me & Bobby McGee / Imagine /Little Sparrow / Viva Las Vegas / Islands In The Stream / Thank God I’m A Country Girl / My Tennessee Mountain Home / Coat Of Many Colors / Smoky Mountain Memories / When Johnny Comes Marchin Home / ENCORE: Hello God.
Don Warden was supposedly in the audience.
I know I am missing a few songs. It was such a whirlwind of fun. Dolly cracked many jokes. It was a memorable event that I will remembers always. She had the entire audience sing “I Will Always Love You” with just her and it was awesome. She wanted to take us all on the road with her (I am sure she says that to all the audiences!)
A few Dolly trivia:
- Richard Dennison (who sang Rod’s part in Baby It’s Cold Outside) is her long time backup singer and is married to her little sister Rachel.
- Don Warden produced (I believe) a lot of Albums with Dolly.
- There were two photo shots,
- The Concert Poster,
- a key chain,
- a huge book,
- various t‑shirts,
- pink sweatbands and hats
- her Live and Well CD & DVD.
I got a wristband for each girl, a key chain for my son and 2 photos for me. I had forgotten how expensive a concert can be.
Her outfit was very simple, yet all the add-ons drastically changed the look. Dolly is a great performer and especially one stage, there wasn’t a dull moment. She kept us with her right from the beginning.
The arena was a half-hall show, so it was more intimate. It wasn’t sold out, but it wasn’t empty either. I thought there was a good turn out.
I saw her at the State Fair when she was here 11 years ago and this concert was far better. What was really memorable was that this was my 8 year old’s first concert and that I got to share Dolly with her was wonderful. I have loved Dolly’s music since I was 2 years old. So to pass that one to my children was great!
Thank you Dolly for a wonderful night and thank you for giving me so much music. Music is a big part of my family and there isn’t a moment we don’t have music on in the house.
I truly believe that Dolly taught me how to sing by listening and sing to her songs. (Although, Whitney Houston did teach me how to breath while singing) And there isn’t a situation that I cannot find a Dolly Song to go with it. My best friend used to tell me what was going on in her life, I would find a Dolly song for her to listen to that would help her get through it.
So thank you again Dolly and I can’t wait until I get to say, “Here You Come Again!”
UPDATE: After listening to the local radio and reading local reviews, I want to say that I DO NOT BELIEVE DOLLY LIP-SYNC’d at the concert.
She may have had a backing track with a few of the songs, But I have listened to Dolly since I was 2 and have just about every album except 4 really old ones and I listen to her every day and trust me when I say, I can tell when its a recording and when she is live.
I would almost say that Dolly has two voices. One for the studio and one for the stage. Yes, they are very similar, but when you listen to her as long and as much as I do, you can tell the difference.
The only song that sounded like the album version was “When Johnny Comes Marching Home” and that was it. I have heard people saying that they were 3 rows away and could see her lip-syncing. I was close enough too and even on the large screen you couldn’t see any evidence of that.
So I want to tell you that I don’t believe Dolly did that and I am sure that the public is just paranoid with the whole Ashlee Simspon thing and are just trying to bring others down.
Dolly has been around for a long time and I don’t think she would do that to her fans, she has told us time and time again that she truly values her fans.