Well, some­time this week they will move the house to its new home… then fin­ish it and we can move in… I have no patience right now. I want to move in NOW!

And I real­ly want things. I want a new sectional/fold out couch, a reclin­er, book­shelves, home the­ater sys­tem, a dual-lay­er DVD burn­er, an exter­nal hard dri­ve, iPod acces­sories, Altec InMo­tion speak­ers for iPod, home wire­less net­work, Won­der Woman com­plete first sea­son on DVD, Celine’s new live vegas CD, a bed­room set, a new Desk…

But the house comes first, then maybe I can “beg” some stuff out of Amy. Or at least try real­ly hard.

Guys week­end is com­ing up soon. I can and can’t wait. As a Fat man, food is my top pri­or­i­ty and right now only 2 meals are guar­an­teed and I have no idea what I am sup­posed to bring…

Some­days I feel like I am drown­ing. I don’t know if it is stress, or what. But I feel like no one else is wor­ry­ing about things, so I have to. I know Amy takes care of a lot of stuff… but, I still feel like the weight of every­thing is on me.

It does­n’t help when she com­plains about me not doing stuff around the house. I work hard. I may sit on my ass at work, but I have to use my mind and it leaves me men­tal­ly drained. I come home late at night and am so awake. But then dur­ing the day, I feel like I need to relax to recharge myself, so I don’t feel like clean­ing, or doing chores. Work is my chore. Be thank­ful I have a job and go to it.

And mon­ey… I work hard and I know it is going to pay bills, but I would like to be able to go out to din­ner with my cowork­er once a week, or be able to have pop everynight at work, or buy a DVD burn­er, or take my fam­i­ly out to eat. I like to splurge a lit­tle. I would like for Amy to have her table saw or bis­cuit join­er tool thingy. Maybe when we final­ly move I will feel less stressed and depressed.

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