Well! I woke up at around 10:45. And the whirl­wind hit. Amy made me get up, take a show­er, load up the van, and we were off!

Cute shoes!

We dropped off stuff at her mom’s, ran over to Kel­ly’s and dropped off stuff, then all the way to our Stor­age Shed, then to North­town (I got some real­ly nice slip on suede shoes..they are a cross between sneak­ers and dress shoes) and some new slip­pers. Amy got some pink fuffy slip­pers and these real­ly cute Pink ten­nis shoes that have a 3″ heel in the back…See below…

Then we went over to TGIFri­days for lunch. That was fun. But we had upset stom­achs after that.…We think it was the spices on the Black­ened Chick­en Alfre­do. Amy had a Bacon Chees­burg­er and Baked pota­to. The kids had Mac and Cheese of course. Then we head­ed over to valvoline.

Now, they added a TON of new ser­vices, they checked her lights and fixed a bro­ken one she had, even told us that we need­ed to change our Pas­sen­ger Cab­in Filter.….we said no ’cause it was costly…we should have said yes and see them try and find it. On the back of the brochure, our car was­n’t even listed.…hehehehe. The Town and Coun­try was (which is the Voy­agers big­ger replace­ment). Then we final­ly came home.

Now my mom­my is here.…time to watch some ST:TNG!!!!! bye!

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