We had a pam­pered chef par­ty last night, which was fun it was a Tap­pas party.

We had some amaz­ing food. We only had two oth­er peo­ple show up, oth­er than Amy, Charmin, Cindy and myself.

The end of the night, some­how Amy got some shrimp on her and start­ed hav­ing an aller­gic reac­tion. Our pam­pered chef lady is a nurse, so she had Amy take some benedryl and sit down and relax.

This next part I did­n’t want to post, but I am tired of just keep­ing my feel­ings all in and I need to vent some­where, so here goes:

When every­one was leav­ing her moth­er want­ed us to call the doc­tor and maybe take her to the emer­gency room. The only prob­lem is I have no insur­ance and no one to watch the kids for me. She assumed I meant for her to take Amy, and she start­ed com­plain­ing that she had work/school and could­n’t stay out all night, etc. etc. (Which, I nev­er asked her too)

She want­ed to have Tony stay the night in case I had to take her, but he did­n’t want to, because he had no clothes to wear. So he got upset and she start­ed get­ting upset and I told him to just go, cause I did­n’t need to deal with atti­tude and a bitchy boy, while try­ing to take care of Amy. So I told her, “It would be fine and I will han­dle it, we’ll just take the kids with us.”

So then she decid­ed to have Matt stay, but he did­n’t want to and got upset and I told him, “just go, it’s fine.” So he was upset and then Mona start­ed in on him, say­ing, “Do you even know what’s going on?”, he said, “Yeah I do”

I told her it was fine, I don’t want him there or Tony, and I start­ed get­ting upset and then she told me, to “Just Quit”.

I got furi­ous. You don’t tell me what to do in my house. I had already told her it was fine, I have oth­er peo­ple we can call, just go. And then she goes and tells me to just quit. Sor­ry, but your not my moth­er. And frankly, my moth­er would­n’t tell me to do that in my house either. And she lives here!

So I got pissed, and Matt start­ed for the door and she start­ed in on him and I just turned towards every­one and said, “Every­one, just get out of my house.” I don’t remem­ber if she said any­thing back, because I was so pissed off, and main­ly at her, because she would­n’t let it go.

Matt got to the door and said some­thing, and she said some­thing back and he said some­thing about, “Your the Prob­lem” and I want­ed to agree with him, but I held my tongue. Or I was just to pissed off to say anything.

So she kept telling me to call the doc­tor and basi­cal­ly made me feel like

  1. she did­n’t trust me to take care of her daughter.
  2. Made me feel incom­pe­tent. (Okay, so maybe they are the same thing or very sim­i­lar, bite me)

I just want­ed every­one out of my house. I would han­dle it. I did­n’t need all these peo­ple telling me what to do.

Even though all through the night, I was doing oth­er things and was­n’t right by Amy’s side, I had my ear and eyes on her. I was lis­ten­ing to her.

Appar­ent­ly, I was the only one, because if peo­ple would have lis­tened to her, she said she was feel­ing much bet­ter and even though her throat was tight, it was­n’t as tight as it was before. Just a few weeks ago, she acci­den­tal­ly touched wool and the same thing hap­pened and it too passed.

Peo­ple make me so mad and after the fact I always end up telling Amy what I would have said. Since she has final­ly been telling peo­ple off, I decid­ed I should prob­a­bly start too, oth­er­wise peo­ple won’t real­ize how I feel.

So there ya go. Don’t tell me what to do in my house, and if I say I will take care of some­thing, I will. I don’t need some­one to keep telling me what to do.

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