Well, my lap­top is in the final box­ing stage as I write this. It just has to go to the ship­ping stage and its on its way!

I am so excit­ed. I am break­ing away from “The Desk” and becom­ing more mobile. I will be able to design with­out get­ting out of bed!

I am also excit­ed, my best friend is sell­ing me her real­ly nice Wacom Intu­os Graph­ic Draw­ing Tablet for real­ly cheap! So now I can draw and paint like I used too, with­out the mess or an easel and paints tak­ing up room! I can even sit on the couch and do it!

Life is just going okay so far (I know, after read­ing the above, I should be smacked). This year start­ed out rocky, but I think it could be smooth­ing itself out (knock on plas­tic!). I was amazed at how much my tax refund was this year. I did­n’t think I would get that much. Thank good­ness I have a real­ly good tax per­son (thanks dad!).

I think Amy is gonna get the Room­ba! The lit­tle robot­ic vac­u­um. That way we can keep our floors and stuff clean all the time and only REALLY vac­u­um once or twice a month! I can’t wait! (UPDATE: we had to get her one when she was on bed rest while preg­nant with Riley!)

I hope life is going good for you! I hope it con­tin­ues to go well for me. Now that I will be mobile, I hope to con­tribute to my blog more and pos­si­bly the forum!

Hap­py Valen­tine’s Day! I love you Amy, Court­ney, Dominic, Mikay­la, Mom, Sis­sy, Dad, Da Boyz and all!

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