Well… Where to start…

I arrived Fri­day after­noon with my dis­tant broth­er-in-law Aaron (who owns the trail­er we were stay­ing in) and unpacked. Jason and Ron were already there. They went off to golf while I unpacked gro­ceries and lis­tened to music. They came back a few hours lat­er and I believe Chris arrived and then Jon short­ly after.

We had some ribs and pork that Ron made and lasagna that Jon brought. Thank good­ness, cause I don’t like ribs or bar­be­cue sauce. After that we played some horse­shoe (the guys taught me how to play!) and then went back to the site to play some poker.

After that the guys went to the bar and I went to bed. They came back and played more poker.

Sat­ur­day morn­ing was the tour­na­ment, so the guys went golf­ing while Chris and I slept in.

When we woke up we went and vis­it­ed his mom’s new cab­in. We then walked over to the “hen house” and wait­ed for the tour­na­ment to end and all the golfers to con­vene at this hen house for the results of the tournament.

We then went back and had lunch (actu­al­ly break­fast) and Jason, Jon and Ron went to Hinck­ley and Chris and I lis­tened to music and talked, while Aaron helped a fel­low sea­son­al res­i­dent build his deck. After awhile though, Chris and I stole his mom’s golf cart and drove it all around and Chris was being so goofy and crack­ing me up! It was fun to hang out with him.

When the guys came back, we head­ed out for a game of goofy golf, where all the play­ers are allowed to use only one club and one put­ter through­out the entire course. I tagged along to learn about golf­ing and end­ed up the score keep­er (or Pen Bitch) and dri­ver of the golf cart.

We then went back to camp and had din­ner (Jason made Veg­an bur­ri­tos and Aaron made Hobo Stew), I cleaned up while the guys went out for anoth­er round of golf.

They came back and we loaded up and head­ed out for Karaoke (where Jason fell off the golf cart on a sharp turn)!

I had a blast. I sang Maybe Your Baby’s Got the Blues, All By Myself (where I almost bombed the high note) and I Wan­na Dance With Somebody. 

The host let me use my own CD’s, but some of them he already had so I did­n’t have too. The bar was a lit­tle sparse when we got there, but it livened up around last call.

Chris sang a few songs and so did Jason. I tried to get Aaron too, but he was start­ing to lose his voice before we had got there. But he still enjoyed sit­ting at the table and singing along. There was some oth­er great singers there too!

The host was very fun! I was teach­ing some of the guys Karaoke Eti­quette. At the end of the night I said good­bye to the host and he made me promise I would come back, “Cause he needs me for his show!” and that “he would take care of me”.…a very fun­ny guy!

We then got back to the site and start­ed a camp­fire to warm up (It gets chilly dri­ving to a near­by bar in a open golf cart).

A few of the guys were fill­ing me in on what the “Red­necks” were say­ing about my singing and how they could­n’t believe it was a guy singing. The same stuff I hear every­where I go. One of the guys even said that you can make fun of a guy for singing high, but if the tal­ent is there, there real­ly isn’t much neg­a­tive you can say.

After we warmed up, we all went inside to play pok­er. The guys tried to teach me how to play and I played one round (until a small inci­dent hap­pened), then some­one spilled their beer on the new car­pet and I imme­di­ate­ly went into “host” mode and cleaned it up before it set (thank god for baby wipes!) All I could think of was what Kris would say if that set in! I mean, this is her new cabin!

I then laid down and read while the oth­er guys played a hand. Then they all went to bed, except for Aaron, Chris, Jason and Me. We sat around and talked and goofed around and gig­gle for a while before going to bed. Boy do I have some black­mail pictures!

Sun­day arrived and Jon left ear­ly, fol­lowed by Chris, then Ron (who for­got his lap­top and had to come back).

Aaron, Jason and I hung out and cleaned up, ate and talked. We then drove Jason to Pine City to get a new oil fil­ter. His sprung a pret­ty good leak.

He then left around 6 pm. Aaron and I fin­ished clean­ing up and then talked for 2 more hours and left at 8. I real­ly enjoy talk­ing with Aaron. He and I are alike in so many ways and have so much in com­mon. If I could have a real life broth­er, he is who I would want that to be (and the twins of course).

I had a real­ly good time. I was real­ly qui­et until we went to Karaoke and then I would­n’t shut up! As Aaron said, “Karaoke is where I am in my ele­ment”. It is where I real­ly come out of my shell and shine.

I kept clean­ing up all week­end. Sun­day, every time they would ask if some­thing was shut off, I would say that I already did it. Aaron said if I keep that up I am always invited!

I just want­ed to make sure that it was clean enough for Kris. Noth­ing sucks worse then com­ing up to your cab­in for a week­end and all your doing for the first hour or so is clean­ing. This was their new cab­in and Kris gra­cious­ly allowed us guys to use it for guys week­end. (I am sure she was prob­a­bly dread­ing the thought…)

I also knew that there was­n’t going to be much for me to do this week­end, so I want­ed to make sure the oth­er guys had fun and did­n’t have to wor­ry about clean up and such! I take plea­sure out mak­ing sure oth­ers are hap­py. I like play­ing host. I like mak­ing sure every­one is com­fort­able and enter­tained and such.

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