Since switch­ing to a 4‑day work week, my week­ends have been more relax­ing and fun-filled. This week­end was no exception.

Thurs­day night I was able to go to Court­ney’s Dou­ble-head­er. Her team won against the first team they played, but lost against the sec­ond team them played. The Tor­nado’s I think were their name. We call them the Shrinky­dinks. They are pro­fes­sion­al play­ers, just shrunk down to kid size. They were freak­ish­ly good.

Fri­day we cleaned house and got ready for Game Night with a bunch of friends. We usu­al­ly have a game night once a month. This time we were joined by my long-time High school friend Kel­ly and her hus­band Brad. It was so great to see her again!

For some rea­son, it was also the night to just let go and have fun. I got tip­sy and tired, one of our oth­er friends got drunk, Amy got drunk (and then tried to type–unsuccessfully–on face­book.) And the hub­by of one friend, unfor­tu­nate­ly, had to work. He brought his lap­top with and was ‘cod­ing’ at my desk. I end­ed up keep­ing him com­pa­ny for most of the night. (still had fun just vis­it­ing with him and not try­ing to fall asleep). I was pret­ty tired from get­ting up early–I had woke up at 4:30 in the morn­ing on Friday.

Every­one had a great time and it was great to just hang out.

Sat­ur­day we met my dad, sis­ter and her new boyfriend for lunch. Being my charm­ing self, I con­vinced my dad to give me his sur­round sound for an ear­ly birth­day present. It’s a nice Yama­ha, that also can take my video sig­nals and act as a switch­er. So I no longer need my man­u­al hand switch­er (you push a but­ton to switch between sig­nals). We then went back to my house for my famous Poly­ne­sian Chick­en Shishk­abobs for din­ner. They were a big hit. and watched a movie.

Then on Sun­day, Amy went to pick up the kids from her sis­ters house up north. On her way back, she saw black smoke com­ing from our neigh­bor­hood. She called us to see if it was near us, it was on the oth­er side of the park.

What hap­pened is that our new­ly appoint­ed fire-chief lives in our park. He was grilling on his deck, turned every­thing off and some­how the deck and pine tree next to his deck just went up in flames (a neigh­bor said she heard a “whoosh” and every­thing was a flame). Because of the high winds, Amy said the flames lit­er­al­ly were reach­ing across the street and melt­ing sid­ing off neigh­bor­ing homes. Half of a home next to the one on fire burned away, and then 3 oth­er homes around it have mas­sive vinyl melting.

Amy was in full C.E.R.T. mode and direct­ing peo­ple away, and then direct­ing home own­ers to shut down all their elec­tric­i­ty and gas stuff as gas lines were explod­ing and pow­er lines were on the verge of melt­ing. She assist­ed the Chief of Police in mak­ing sure the cor­rect peo­ple’s state­ments were tak­en. The offi­cers were tak­ing state­ments from the heard of peo­ple who con­gre­gat­ed AFTER the fact and did­n’t get any from the neigh­bors that were out­side and actu­al­ly saw what hap­pened, so Amy made sure they talked with the officers.

She was real­ly the only res­i­dent allowed behind the police tape because all the cops knew her from C.E.R.T. (Com­mu­ni­ty Emer­gency Response Team) and knew she was trained and could help. Which she did. She stayed over there until every­thing was contained.

We then learned that there was also a fire in Cen­ten­ni­al Square, a brawl in Cen­ten­ni­al Square and then a grass fire in the City Park behind our neigh­bor­hood. So it was a very busy day.

We then all relaxed and watched movies/TV on the new sur­round sound. I prompt­ly fell asleep in the chair…

3 thoughts on “What a weekend!

  1. Did any­one reflect on the irony of the fact it was the fire chief that set the place ablaze?? With our lack of rain, every­thing is more flam­ma­ble — peo­ple need to be careful.

    It was good to see you too — Brad and I would love to be invit­ed to the next one!

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