I have a cute sto­ry (or two) to share.

First, I need to fill you in on some back­sto­ry. I am get­ting a new PC. My Friend, Mr. T., is build­ing it for me. I am pur­chas­ing all the parts a pay­check at a time. I have the graph­ics card and the moth­er­board already.

Now for the story.

I woke up on Wednes­day after­noon to my wife, gen­tly nudg­ing me awake and telling me (and I quote):


“Hon­ey, I ordered your com­put­er case!”

[That of course got my attention]


“You know how a hus­band buys his wife flow­ers when he does some­thing wrong?”




“Well, A wife buys her hus­bands com­put­er stuff!” (Sound­ing all proud).


“What did you do?”


“Well, I went to the store to get Court­ney’s Fish tank for school.”

I won’t do the whole com­men­tary, but Court­ney has a school project and she has to have a fish at home. How nice that they ask us, but tell us that we need to have a fish at our house. Amy and I talked about it and I was pissed. School more and more are just requir­ing you to do this or that (like spend $30 on A BINDER!!!), what is next a dog!? Any­ways, she had to take Riley with her, and when they went to leave the aisle he chimed in:


“Mom­my, you for­got the fish”


“No, this tank is for Cour­ney’s fish, Court­ney is bring­ing the fish home from school.”


“Yes, that is for Court­ney’s fish, but you for­got MY fish.”


“Riley hon­ey, dad­dy does­n’t want a fish at home.”


“Please Mom­my?” [He puts his hands on hers on the cart han­dle] “Please can I have a fish? I am a good boy.”

[At this point she just melt­ed and it broke her heart to say the next line:]


“Yes you are a good boy, but I am sor­ry Riley, but we can’t”

[At this point, I knew what the end results was before she told me]


“Please Mom­my can I have a fish? I am a good boy.”


“Okay, we can get you a fish” [The more you think about all our kids had at least one pet that was ‘theirs’]

So they go to get the fish and the lady asks them, how many:






“Why three?”


“One for Dominic, One for Mikay­la and one for me!” [He was so proud]


“Okay, I guess we are get­ting three!”

So that is how I end­ed up with 4 gold­fish in my house and a com­put­er case. Gold­fish are: Freak (Court­ney), Squishy (Mikay­la), Spike (Dominic) and Tank (Riley).

Some more back sto­ry, Amy post­ed all this on Face­book and our dear Friend, who shall remain name­less (Katie) asked her if I ever go in the kids room. Amy told her no and Katie said, “Then don’t tell him!” But it was Katie’s idea to get me the com­put­er case (Her hus­band is the one build­ing it for me!).

The Face­book Comments:

Amy Ninette ‘Scott’ Jones is a hor­ri­ble wife and mother

Friend Com­ments:

  • FRIEND: NO — don’t say that! SO not true! Hav­ing a bad day?
  • FRIEND: No way — I won’t EVER believe that!
  • AMY: If a man buys flow­ers to apol­o­gize to his wife…what does a wife buy her hus­band? Ooh, com­put­er parts!
  • AMY: I just went com­plete­ly against my hus­band’s wish­es to indulge my child.
  • Katie: Talk to me about the buy­ing com­put­er parts!! I have a secret!
  • SISTER: ok what did you give Riley that you weren’t sup­posed to? What happened?
  • FRIEND: that does­n’t make you hor­ri­ble it makes you human. We all have our moments when some­thing takes over that does­n’t make sense. Indulging our kids is the hard­est temp­ta­tion we face — when the indul­gence is a mis­take it can be turned into a les­son. Don’t be so hard on yourself.
  • FRIEND: That cape of yours has to come off once in a while. 🙂
  • AMY: I bought Riley fish!
  • FRIEND: LOL okay that’s kin­da funny.…
  • AMY: Yeah, Bert will not think so though. I don’t think it’s a big deal.
  • SISTER: Yeah well, you would have already been in trou­ble when Court­ney brought her fish from school home and it nev­er left so…Oh well, at least they don’t make any noise, they don’t shed, they don’t cause aller­gies to act up, they only eat once every cou­ple days and a large can of fish food costs like $5 so they’re not expensive…Really there’s no prob­lem with fish so don’t wor­ry about it too much!
  • SISTER: Lol…If you are Super Mom does that make your kids your Kryptonite…or just the stuff you get for them? Hehehehehe

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