Good Morn­ing everyone!

I want­ed to update every­one with a few announcements.

As some of you already know, I am start­ing up a small por­trait stu­dio. I have found that I real­ly enjoy pho­tog­ra­phy and enjoy (and have the patience) for retouch­ing and edit­ing pho­tos. My lit­tle gim­mick is that I do all my ‘por­traits’ in front of a green screen and so clients can choose their own backgrounds.

So, I want­ed to announce (or re-announce to some of you) my online por­trait gallery. From here you can view pho­tos, and pur­chase prints or gift items. The site is at:

Any ques­tions, please let me know, and I hope that you’ll con­sid­er me for any fam­i­ly por­traits you would like done!

Anoth­er thing I want­ed to alert you to (and this will main­ly affect fam­i­ly and close friends) is that I will no longer be offer­ing my pho­tos to any­one dig­i­tal­ly (i.e. burn­ing them on a disc).

The rea­son­ing behind this is, if I am seri­ous about doing this pro­fes­sion­al­ly, I need to be con­sis­tent and make the process as less con­fus­ing for myself and my clients. You will notice on my site that many pho­tos have a water­mark and that you can­not right click and ‘save as’ the pho­to onto your desk­top. I have enabled a lock­ing fea­ture to pro­tect my ‘assets’. This is stan­dard prac­tice in the pho­tog­ra­phy world.

Please Note: the water­mark will not appear on pur­chased prints.

If there is some­thing you absolute­ly must have dig­i­tal­ly, you can pur­chase a dig­i­tal copy of the pho­to from the online store under ‘down­loads’ or con­tact me and we can work some­thing out. I will need to charge a min­i­mal fee, or a more sub­stan­tial fee if you are request­ing a ‘final’ por­trait ver­sus an untouched one.

The rea­son for this, is that I do need to con­sid­er my time. I don’t just snap a pho­to and print it (even for fam­i­ly func­tions). 95% of the time, I still am cor­rect­ing the pho­to, mak­ing sure the col­or is good, etc. I real­ly spend time in mak­ing sure that my pho­tos (no mat­ter the set­ting) real­ly cap­ture the moment exact­ly and are port­fo­lio quality.

So, I hope every­one can under­stand and respect the changes that I am mak­ing. I know that for some, it will be upset­ting, as some depend on me to cap­ture a moment at fam­i­ly gath­er­ings. But, with the way my life is right now, I can no longer do things for free. I real­ly need look at what I am invest­ing in the pro­ce­dure and receive a fair com­pen­sa­tion for it.

Please note: I am still offer­ing fam­i­ly mem­bers a discount.

So, I hope you all under­stand and I look for­ward to work­ing with you!

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