Well, talk about liv­ing in the ‘Days of Our Lives’. I swear to god, I so am in Salem right now. Where the hell is Mar­lena? I need a shrink right now.

I am not going to bore you with details. But my park is ‘res­i­dent-owned’ and I was on the inter­im board as the sec­re­tary. We just had our offi­cial elec­tions, and OH THE DRAMA! THE HORROR!

I am so frus­trat­ed right now. So much crap and I just can’t stand it anymore.

So how the hell is your week? Wan­na trade? Thank god I have World of War­craft that I can just veg out in and not wor­ry about it. Just run here, do this quest, kill this mon­ster, and then log out.

I filed our tax­es, and as soon as the mon­ey is here, my honky-ass is GOING SHOPPING! I need the release! And some new gizmos.

Anways. I think I may try and buy me some Lam­br­us­co wine. My friend Melin­da tells me I will like it, so I think I will buy some and try and feel good. Not drunk, mind you! Just a lit­tle hap­py. I don’t drink. So this would be the first drop of alco­hol since guys week­end in 2004.

Drink­ing alco­hol just does­n’t appeal to me, but I could see myself hav­ing a glass of wine with din­ner or at night. Just one. I am not a lush. (UPDATE: I nev­er did go get any wine or any­thing. I played World of War­craft so late, that the liquor store was closed!)

Cur­rent­ly in my Playlist:

  • Shaki­ra
  • Dol­ly
  • Sheryl Crow (again)
  • Alli­son Krauss

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