Today is my anniver­sary! Mar­ried 6 years… wow…

Amy and I have been togeth­er for 8 years. It sure does­n’t feel that way. It only feels like a few years ago we met. But I am very happy!

I don’t know what I would do with­out Amy. She is not only my foun­da­tion, but my part­ner in crime. We lit­er­al­ly make any and every deci­sion togeth­er (well, any­thing that affects each oth­er or the fam­i­ly) And we talk… we did­n’t used to. It was hard to get Amy to com­mu­ni­cate with me at first. She would tell me “noth­in” if some­thing was both­er­ing her.

But now we talk. Right before we fall asleep, we talk about the day, or week and talk about upcom­ing things. Just talk. It is every relax­ing. I hon­est­ly can’t fall right to sleep until we have talked. It’s very soothing.

And I don’t know how she does it, but she is the only per­son who can calm me down.

I remem­ber on our wed­ding day, things weren’t going so well. I had orga­nized a lot of it. And as the bride was get­ting dressed I was run­ning around mak­ing sure every­thing else was set.

Well, this or that was going wrong, so I was stress­ing. I had to see Amy. So I went to the brides­maid room and demand­ed to see her. Her sis­ters would­n’t let me in. But Amy could feel some­thing was wrong, so she came to the door and was able to calm me down and com­fort me. Although, now that I look back, I don’t know how she did it con­sid­er­ing she was only half dressed!

I went back down stairs and my wed­ding coor­di­na­tor flagged me down. She was good too! She knew some­thing was up and she knew I need­ed to relax, so she took me into the qui­et audi­to­ri­um and sat me down and went over some last minute plans. That real­ly relaxed me. She had me pegged. She knew I was in my ele­ment when orga­niz­ing or plan­ning something.

Well, I should go now.…

Hap­py Anniver­sary kit­ten. I love you so very much.


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