I just real­ize that I nev­er updat­ed my pho­to blog and that I have been putting pho­tos on my nor­mal blog.

So. I am trans­fer­ring some art­work over to the pho­to blog and decid­ed to use that to show­case art­work or oth­er photos.

So please peri­od­i­cal­ly check my pho­to blog (which can be access by click­ing on the pho­to blog but­ton on my home page www.bertjones.com or click­ing here: tiggermn.buzznet.com) (Update: You can check out my gal­leries at tiggermn.smugmug.com)

Life is going okay for right now. I am work­ing a bit more, so that is a good thing. I still wish it was dur­ing the day though and more permanent.

I am going through and re-record­ing all my LPs into my com­put­er so that I can remas­ter them and put them on CD. A lot of work, I have about 6 of 56 records done.

I am also still try­ing to scan paper­work. I decid­ed, why keep all this paper around, when I can scan it all to a PDF and store about 5 box­es of paper on a CD? Saves space and I can access it easier.

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