Christ­mas morn­ing went well.

We opened all the gifts, the kids played, we saw Court­ney off to her dads for the week. I took a nap, woke up and start­ed mak­ing dinner.

Right before we sat down to eat our din­ner, I went off to go to the bath­room before I sat down to eat and I walked in the bath­room to see Pit­ter (Amy’s cat) lay­ing in on the rug in front of the toi­let. Her eyes wide open and her mouth hang­ing open… I did­n’t know what was wrong, but I feared the worst. She was­n’t moving.

At first I was­n’t even sure it was Pit­ter. I imme­di­ate­ly screamed for Amy and she came in and my mom fol­lowed close­ly behind. My mom con­firmed that Pit­ter was no longer with us.

Of course, every­thing is closed. So we have to wait until Tues­day to find out exact­ly what hap­pened. We knew she was hav­ing prob­lems breath­ing, but we thought she was okay with the med­ica­tion we were giv­ing her. Although as time went on, she would stress out more when it came time to give her the medication.

So we had to try and explain to the kids what hap­pened. Court­ney is not here, so we are going to wait and tell her when she comes home. No rea­son to spoil her win­ter break with her dad, with bad news.

I can’t get the image of how Pit­ter’s face looked out of my head.

The eyes and mouth wide open. Did she suf­fer? She was all alone in the bath­room (the steam helped her breath and she need­ed to be apart from the oth­er cats) for who knows how long, did she know she was loved? The last time I saw her I was nap­ping and she was lay­ing on me and I pushed her off, did she think I did­n’t love her?

I will miss her con­stant vocal­iz­ing around the house when­ev­er we walked into the room she was at, she was our only talk­a­tive one, and always let us know she acknowl­edged us.

Farewell, my Purr­fect Princess Pit­ter, may you find hap­pi­ness wher­ev­er you are and know that we love you very much and miss you even more.

1 thought on “A Merry Christmas…with a sad ending.

  1. I’m soooooooo sor­ry to hear about Pit­ter. I know how you feel to lose a beloved pet. 

    I’m sor­ry, I haven’t had a chance to read your blog for a while, but was home today so decid­ed to catch up. 

    Pit­ter is in Kit­ty Heav­en and is very hap­py and yes, she does know that you love her, and always will.

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