Just got back from work and are my feet sore. Why, you ask? Since I sit on my butt all night? Because my co-work­er and I went on a field trip.

We want­ed din­ner. We did­n’t want Keiran’s Pub (it was­n’t Wednes­day and so our bar­tender was­n’t there and it is too expen­sive). We did­n’t want to walk all the way to Sub­way. We did­n’t want to order Divanni’s.

So we talked with the last Day per­son before he left for the night and told us to try a few of the sky­way shops. Even though most close at 6pm (it was now 6:35), there should still be one or two still open.

So we got all excit­ed. Let’s GO! So we punched out for a half hour break… and here our adven­ture begins.…

We start­ed walk­ing the sky­ways in the direc­tion he said to. closed… closed… closed… closed… we past 4 sub­ways, 5 Cari­bou Cof­fee’s, a Jim­my Johns, a Cousins subs, a few pizze­rias… 8 asian places… ALL CLOSED.

So we thought, let’s keep going. We are close to city cen­ter (Which is 6 blocks away from our office bldg.)

So instead of a straight shot down the street, we were zig-zag­ging through the sky­way. Final­ly, we get to City Cen­ter. Every­thing closed at 7pm. It was 7:30.

Let’s try Gavedaii Com­mons next door… all closed at 6pm… Let’s try Mar­shall Field­’s Marketplace.…EUREKA!!!!!! LeeAnn Chin (YUMMY Orange Chick­en!) So we had found food. And tons of it… we were hap­py. So we start walk­ing back.… and get lost… twice…

We final­ly got back and real­ized we had a 1 and a half hour lunch/break. Yuk… But we fig­ured we both need to get in shape, so we will walk everynight to Mar­shall Field­’s and Back and see if we can get there and back in 1/2 hour.

So again… my feet are sore… next time wear ten­nis shoes and not san­dals… No mat­ter how much of a hur­ry your in… and light-weight cloth­ing… some of those walk­ways still have the heat on!

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