Well, yes­ter­day was the 2nd Annu­al Girl Scout Award Cer­e­mo­ny. What a blast.

We arrived at the park to find out that the pavil­ion we reserved was com­plete­ly soaked AND had leaks in the roof. All the tables were drenched. We tried to arrange the tables so they would­n’t be under a leak. No real luck.

So, I sug­gest­ed that we check out the only oth­er pavil­ion there (that no one ever reserves because it is in the midst of trees and usu­al­ly has a ton of mos­qui­toes.) It was rel­a­tive­ly dry, ‘cept for the small pud­dle. Only one half of a table was wet and it had no garbage can and only two short tables. (The oth­er one had 4 large tables).

So we decid­ed to use the dry pavil­ion. We had camp­ing chairs so that was­n’t a prob­lem. Most of the oth­er par­ents had brought chairs also, so it was all good.

We set up the food and had our scav­enger hunt. Every­one wears some­thing… I had a pink chip clip on my pants… and you have to go around and find all the items and get the name of the per­son. Some of the par­ents were cheat­ing and com­par­ing notes or hav­ing their chil­dren go and ask the per­son­’s name.

After that we ate, Amy & Charmin passed out the awards. Then we put on some dance music that I mixed togeth­er so the girls could do the Elec­tric Slide, Macare­na, Cha Cha Slide and stuff. Then I showed the girls how to do the Run­ning Man, the Roger Rab­bit and the Cab­bage Patch. The girls were crack­ing up!

We had so much fun we did­n’t real­ize the rain had most­ly stopped and it was­n’t as cold. We real­ly had a great time. I can’t wait for next year!

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