Well, I just got home from work. Tonight just flew by. I felt like I got noth­ing done. I hate that feeling.

I found out that my cousin Tina in Sioux Falls Passed away. Her funer­al is Mon­day or Tues­day. We are going to dri­ve out there, go to the funer­al, vis­it, and then dri­ve straight back. I will be sleep­ing most of the way.

I am gonna miss her. We were very close when I was younger. Every time I would vis­it we would hang out. She was my Tina! At least I have some very spe­cial and pre­cious mem­o­ries of her. I will miss you Tina. I love you and I know that you are with your dad! May you rest in peace.

On a dif­fer­ent note.….A word of warning.…Never sug­gest an idea to your spouse!

We were clean­ing the mat­tress­es and bed­ding and I said to my wife, we should move some of this around and she said okay. So I spent all day today mov­ing bunk beds, mat­tress­es, draw­ers, dressers, etc. OY VAY!

So, it is 1 am in the morn­ing. Good Morn­ing Sat­ur­day. What should I do since I am so awake? Maybe I will research the fam­i­ly tree some.…maybe pre­view some movie trail­ers, maybe make a list of things I need to bring to Aunt Pat and Lani while I am there next week.…Yeah that is it.….

Nighty Nighty you weird day people!

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