Life……… could be……… better
I am so tired and exhausted. Not just physically, but mentally too. I wish I had a steady job. I keep looking at the classifieds and I just don’t qualify for all the design jobs out there. It sucks. I found a great one today, but I don’t have enough experience.
I also ran over a concrete barrier today. Nothing huge, just one of those small ones that they have in between parking spaces. But this one is a parking garage, so it was a little smaller, but enough to make scraping noises. So of course, I am all freaked out now. Amy says the car is okay, but I am so paranoid.
And I so wish I had a shitload of money. Enough to build my home (in cash), pay off all my debt, get new cars and all the electronics that I could possibly want.
So, does anyone want to give me money? I’ll dance for you (and the more you give me, the more clothes I will keep on.)
Really. I’m serious. You can pay me through paypal and my email address. It’s really easy. And I do have a webcam so that you can see me dance.
Just, uh, let me know, okay?