I am sure your thinking.…“what is up with the title?”
Well, it happens to be the song I am listening to right now. Queen Latifah’s Dana Owen album. Great songs.
Anyways, I thought I would put up some more artwork. I am getting a little bit better with the wacom tablet. The hard part now is the brushes in Painter IX. When I used to paint, I would just grab a brush that “looked” right. Not what it was made of, or its size.
Well, with painter, there is picture of the brush as well as what it does and what size it is. So I have to use a trial-and-error approach until I learn them all.
Mainly I have been using the Simple Round Wash and the Runny Water Bristle brush. Especially with this piece. I would paint with the Simple Round Wash and then go over it with the Runny Water Wash Bristle (with white) so that it would just use the color that is there and make it runny. And I used a bit of the Wet Sponge brush for the bushes.
Hope you like it.