Today we went to my sis­ters for a Pam­pered Chef par­ty. I love that stuff and the food.

After that, we rushed off to my Nephew/­God-Son’s birth­day par­ty. That was cool. I got to see some fam­i­ly I haven’t seen in a while. Cept, my broth­er-in-law did­n’t say any­thing to me, not a hi or noth­ing (found out lat­er he just was­n’t feel­in well). I won­dered if I did some­thing to make him mad? But his Broth­er and I (who used to work with me) we talked up a storm and caught up. So that was nice.

One thing that I can­not stand: peo­ple who always seem to find some­thing about you to nit-pick and cut you down so that they can feel bet­ter about themselves.

I won’t go into specifics or whom, but I can­not stand when peo­ple feel the need to berate you to your face to make them look bet­ter than you. Espe­cial­ly when they don’t real­ize they are doing it. I can under­stand when it is in a jok­ing way, I do that with a few peo­ple, but I try to make sure they don’t feel cut down and it is only with a select few and they joke right back. But to hon­est­ly say a com­ment to you face or ASSUME some­thing. Remem­ber peo­ple, NEVER ASSUME.…all that does is make and ASS out of U and ME!

Anoth­er thing that both­ers me: peo­ple who have to be the cen­ter of atten­tion at all times. You don’t need to go around and tell every­one there some­thing about you. Lay off! It is some­one else’s birth­day, let them enjoy the attention!

But, I guess the thing that real­ly frosts me: is when peo­ple assume that because Amy and I are over­weight, that we need large amounts of food or that when we ask for a small piece they give us a huge one instead. For Instance, Amy was help­ing dish peo­ple up and when it came her turn, she said, “a very small piece of cake and just a lit­tle bit of ice cream.” What did she get? A piece of cake the size of three pieces, and about 2 large scoops of ice cream.

Just because I am over­weight, does­n’t mean I do any­thing to make myself this way. I only eat cake and ice cream at birth­day par­ties, I only eat can­dy at East­er, Cook­ies at Hal­loween and Christ­mas, I real­ly hate chips. The only kind I eat are nacho chips with Salsa…and Sal­sa is actu­al­ly good for you!

The rest of the year I am eat­ing sal­ads, Chick­en Cae­sar wraps, chick­en and pas­ta and veg­gies. Healthy food. So what gives you the right to say to some­one else that I am fat because I eat too many sweets. I don’t eat sweets, I real­ly don’t like sweets. I am over­weight because my lifestyle does­n’t give me a lot of time to be active and my job is a desk job. I can’t exact­ly do it run­ning on a treadmill.

It is just like in High school when peo­ple would say that I ate too many twinkies. I HATE TWINKIES! So F*CK OFF! And it is not like most of the peo­ple who say this are in any bet­ter shape, so don’t use me as a way to make your­self look skin­nier (or try and believe you are–I have seen the shit you eat!)

You don’t know what I had to grow up with. You don’t know what I bat­tle with every­day, all the com­ments I have to deal with. IT HURTS peo­ple! And espe­cial­ly DO NOT tell your kids that Amy and I are fat because we eat too many sweets AND DO NOT TEACH THEM to make com­ments like that to over­weight peo­ple, that is just sick and wrong! Just because you don’t want them to eat that stuff, don’t use me as an excuse.

Anyways…(sorry for the rant, I just had to get that out) on the way back we stopped at the Big­ger Burg­er in Elk Riv­er to see if it is as good as the ones in Sioux Falls. Verdict.…YES! IT was grub­bin! And Cheap! $3.50 for a big­ger Burg­er, Fries and a real­ly large pop. But 1 burg­er was plen­ty enough for me. Remem­ber I DON’T WANT PEOPLE TO THINK I AM A FAT PIG.

Then we came home and wait­ing on my step was my new AIWA turntable! I Was so EXCITED!

We hooked every­thing up and tried some records that sound­ed real­ly bad on my old machine and they sound­ed PERFECT. The turntable is made to go with my Mini-Sys­tem and it real­ly goes togeth­er well. Now I can get all my albums on CD! I am so hap­py. Amy said it was my father’s day present. I can accept that!

Now I am just sit­ting here and putting my LPs onto my com­put­er so that I can cut them, mix them and burn them onto my spe­cial Vinyl CDs that my Cool father-in-law gave me!


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