1 of my new hard drives!

This post has two pho­tos, which was unintentional.

I had tak­en a pho­to of my new hard dri­ve (I got two). I am excit­ed to add some more space to my com­put­er (I will have a total of six someday).

I opened up my PC the oth­er day to maybe install them (I had done it on my old twer, how hard cna it be).…I saw the mass of cables, and chips and stuff.…and said, “For­get this, I’m wait­ing for Troy! I don’t wan­na fry anything!”

So, Troy…I need you.…

Sec­ond pho­to was unin­ten­tion­al. My desk as work as a cutout for the key­board, where you can raise and low­er it.

Well, I had my phone sit­ting there (where I took my hard dri­ve pho­to) and went to upload it to Smug­Mug, using the SmugShot app.

My feet in my awe­some san­dals that I can’t wait all win­ter to wear, every year.

Well, when you start the app, it always loads your cam­era first…so what do I see but the sec­ond pho­to. The cam­era was per­fect­ly aligned with the crack of the desk, to glimpse my feet. So I took a photo.

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