This post has two photos, which was unintentional.
I had taken a photo of my new hard drive (I got two). I am excited to add some more space to my computer (I will have a total of six someday).
I opened up my PC the other day to maybe install them (I had done it on my old twer, how hard cna it be).…I saw the mass of cables, and chips and stuff.…and said, “Forget this, I’m waiting for Troy! I don’t wanna fry anything!”
So, Troy…I need you.…
Second photo was unintentional. My desk as work as a cutout for the keyboard, where you can raise and lower it.
Well, I had my phone sitting there (where I took my hard drive photo) and went to upload it to SmugMug, using the SmugShot app.
Well, when you start the app, it always loads your camera first…so what do I see but the second photo. The camera was perfectly aligned with the crack of the desk, to glimpse my feet. So I took a photo.