I’ve been listening to a 8‑week recorded sermon called “House & Home”. I may not agree with some items, but most of it has some pretty good insights and things that I can do to be a better parent & husband and (hopefully) raise a family and children that will still love me in 20 years, and (hopefully) stay out of trouble.
But, the session I was listening to tonight on the way into work was geared more towards the children, but he spoke to the parents about worship and how the church has “separated” families (and his church was going to be issuing an apology to the congregation and realigning their structure to bring families back to together).
He mentioned how years ago a *big* church was maybe 200 or 300 people, but today you’re more likely to find these super-churches (I went to one for a few years) that have over 1000+ people!
And what happens… They compartmentalize (so it is easier to manage) and toddlers go over here, teens over here, youths over here and so on.…but what ends up happening is that your children don’t get to see you worship in church and ask you questions about their experience and learn by watching you and others.
And I started thinking about my own upbringing in the church…
When I was growing up we went to a *medium* sized church, about 100 people. While we had a youth group, the teens were in the same service. So I got to see how she and others worshipped and was able to ask my questions and learn from her and others.
When I grew older and attended a mega-church, my children were off in their *section* of the building and didn’t get to experience that with me.
It struck a chord.
Now, I will admit its been awhile since I have been to church (my old church is too far away and we just haven’t found one that felt like *home* to us), but I have resolved that I would like (if at all possible) to have my older children in the service with me. So they can learn by watching and feel free to ask their questions.
I know that always won’t be possible and I do want them to have time with teens their own age to worship together (my fondness memories of church are worshiping and hanging out with my youth group), but at least once in a while, in the service with me.