Our cab­in!

Well we made it to the cab­in. We are way up in the moun­tains, and we take some real­ly tiny and steep roads (think log­ging trucks…it’s scary)

We were gonna go into town and watch the live fire­works, but decid­ed against it for a few reasons:

  1. too many peo­ple this week­end, it should have tak­en 20 min­utes to get to Gatlin­burg from Pigeon Forge, PG was so packed it took over an hour just to get through PG.
  2. we were tired and had headaches and fire­works did­n’t start until 10 pm and Amy did­n’t want to dri­ve up the moun­tain in the dark.
Chun­ked out…

So we at least got gro­ceries and had din­ner, show­ers and then chun­ked out in front of the tv (they have cable) and watched the nation’s cel­e­bra­tion, and Knoxville’s cel­e­bra­tion and then went to bed.

So today we are gonna go into town, see how busy it is and then do some shopping.

Then head back for din­ner. We are gonna wait to do any­thing big until after the week­end and the rush of peo­ple leave.

Oh…and its sprin­kling here a little.

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