This past weekend I was out of town in Iowa at a friends Bed and Breakfast that they own.
It is a gorgeous Victorian house that has its original hardwood floors, banister, stain glassed windows. Gorgeous! Our friend is restoring it and doing a faboulous job. We went up on Friday afternoon, Amy had just gotten back from Girl Scout Camp, so I drove most of the way.
We got there and basically just chilled in our room, watched some TV, I played on the computer.

Now, I haven’t bowled in 15 years. My first game I bowled a 60 and Amy bowled a 117. She got a spare and a double. I had just got a spare. Our second game, I bowled a 90 and Amy a 94. So I had a 50% improvement in my game. I bowled a strike and a Spare, Amy got a spare and a double again. We were the only people in the whole place, it was kinda nice.
We then headed back for some relaxation. I worked on a flyer for the B&B and Amy read/napped.
We then headed to a local Golf Country Club to their restaurant/lounge for dinner. We got their and weren’t sure where to go, so we walked in and realized we needed to go upstairs (they had a renion going on downstairs).
We weren’t sure if we were to seat ourselves (no sign) so we just found a table by the huge windows overlooking the greens and sat down. About 15 minutes later someone FINALLY took our order.
We ordered some appetizers, which were really good and some drinks. I order a steak dinner and Amy ordered a Riganoti, with chicken in Alfredo Sauce. About 30 minutes later our appetizers arrive, we eat those, then about 15 minutes later our food.
Amy was still finishing up her appetizer, so didn’t really look at her dish. When she went to eat her dinner, she realized that there was no chicken on it.
By this time I was already half way done with my meal. So Amy had to wait until about 15 minutes until the waitress finally came back to check on us (Amy’s plate sitting full on the edge of the table, obviously wasn’t a give away).
She asked if everything was okay and Amy said, “No, I had asked for chicken with this, and their isn’t any.”
The waitress said, “Oh, okay, Sorry about that” and took her plate.
She walked to the kitchen (which is on the other side of the large room, and has two doors on opposite ends of the wall (we were perpindicular to one of them). The waitress goes in the kitchen and the cook must have asked her what was wrong and, get this, the waitress says, “She never told me she wanted chicken, and now she wants chicken on it.”
Our heads snapped toward that door, because we could hear her! The cook must have said something, because then she said, “Well, I didn’t hear her ask for chicken, I am sorry about that”.
At this point I was pissed and Amy wasn’t happy about being called a liar. Our dish promptly came back out and we didn’t say anything. (Amy later told me, she wanted to make sure she got her food, bags and credit card back before she said anything. You never know what a disgruntled server could do.)
So we finished our meal. About 15 minutes after we were done, she finally comes back to check on us (Notice the long wait times?) we ask her for a to-go box. She brings one then leaves. She knows we are done, she could have brought our bill at the same time, so another 15 minute wait.
I told Amy to not tip her the 15%, which would have been about $6. So Amy tipped her .46 cents and writes on the FRONT of the receipt: “Don’t complain about your customers when they can hear you”. She then placed the receipt face down and we promptly walked out.
We then headed back to the B&B, took photos of the outside of the house and played with fireflies and watched a movie (I played with photos) and then went to bed!
Okay, I’ll expand on the fireflies. While I was taking photos of the outside of the house, my flash would attract fireflies and there was about 100 or more on the front lawn. I would then fire off my flash (on purpose) and the whole yard would light up, it was like the fireflies were doing the “wave” at a baseball game. It was great!
Woke up on Sunday, had a light breakfast and then I took a nap, while Amy finished a book she found there, we then packed up and headed home. My mom had roast waiting for us.
It was a great relaxing weekend and a great way for Amy and I to celebrate our 8 years of marriage!