This past week­end I was out of town in Iowa at a friends Bed and Break­fast that they own.

It is a gor­geous Vic­to­ri­an house that has its orig­i­nal hard­wood floors, ban­is­ter, stain glassed win­dows. Gor­geous! Our friend is restor­ing it and doing a faboulous job. We went up on Fri­day after­noon, Amy had just got­ten back from Girl Scout Camp, so I drove most of the way.

We got there and basi­cal­ly just chilled in our room, watched some TV, I played on the com­put­er.

On Sat­ur­day we had break­fast, took some pho­tos of the house, took a walk around the neigh­bor­hood then drove around down to do some shop­ping, and then were back with­in a half hour. The entire town shuts down for lunch (except the restau­rants) and on Sat­ur­days. So we went to a dri­ve-in for some lunch, then went bowl­ing.

Now, I haven’t bowled in 15 years. My first game I bowled a 60 and Amy bowled a 117. She got a spare and a dou­ble. I had just got a spare.
Our sec­ond game, I bowled a 90 and Amy a 94. So I had a 50% improve­ment in my game. I bowled a strike and a Spare, Amy got a spare and a dou­ble again. We were the only peo­ple in the whole place, it was kin­da nice.

We then head­ed back for some relax­ation. I worked on a fly­er for the B&B and Amy read/napped.

We then head­ed to a local Golf Coun­try Club to their restaurant/lounge for din­ner. We got their and weren’t sure where to go, so we walked in and real­ized we need­ed to go upstairs (they had a renion going on down­stairs).

We weren’t sure if we were to seat our­selves (no sign) so we just found a table by the huge win­dows over­look­ing the greens and sat down. About 15 min­utes lat­er some­one FINALLY took our order.

We ordered some appe­tiz­ers, which were real­ly good and some drinks. I order a steak din­ner and Amy ordered a Rig­an­oti, with chick­en in Alfre­do Sauce. About 30 min­utes lat­er our appe­tiz­ers arrive, we eat those, then about 15 min­utes lat­er our food.

Amy was still fin­ish­ing up her appe­tiz­er, so didn’t real­ly look at her dish. When she went to eat her din­ner, she real­ized that there was no chick­en on it.

By this time I was already half way done with my meal. So Amy had to wait until about 15 min­utes until the wait­ress final­ly came back to check on us (Amy’s plate sit­ting full on the edge of the table, obvi­ous­ly wasn’t a give away).

She asked if every­thing was okay and Amy said, “No, I had asked for chick­en with this, and their isn’t any.”

The wait­ress said, “Oh, okay, Sor­ry about that” and took her plate.

She walked to the kitchen (which is on the oth­er side of the large room, and has two doors on oppo­site ends of the wall (we were per­pindic­u­lar to one of them). The wait­ress goes in the kitchen and the cook must have asked her what was wrong and, get this, the wait­ress says, “She nev­er told me she want­ed chick­en, and now she wants chick­en on it.”

Our heads snapped toward that door, because we could hear her! The cook must have said some­thing, because then she said, “Well, I didn’t hear her ask for chick­en, I am sor­ry about that”.

At this point I was pissed and Amy wasn’t hap­py about being called a liar. Our dish prompt­ly came back out and we didn’t say any­thing. (Amy lat­er told me, she want­ed to make sure she got her food, bags and cred­it card back before she said any­thing. You nev­er know what a dis­grun­tled serv­er could do.)

So we fin­ished our meal. About 15 min­utes after we were done, she final­ly comes back to check on us (Notice the long wait times?) we ask her for a to-go box. She brings one then leaves. She knows we are done, she could have brought our bill at the same time, so anoth­er 15 minute wait.

I told Amy to not tip her the 15%, which would have been about $6. So Amy tipped her .46 cents and writes on the FRONT of the receipt: “Don’t com­plain about your cus­tomers when they can hear you”. She then placed the receipt face down and we prompt­ly walked out.

We then head­ed back to the B&B, took pho­tos of the out­side of the house and played with fire­flies and watched a movie (I played with pho­tos) and then went to bed!

Okay, I’ll expand on the fire­flies. While I was tak­ing pho­tos of the out­side of the house, my flash would attract fire­flies and there was about 100 or more on the front lawn. I would then fire off my flash (on pur­pose) and the whole yard would light up, it was like the fire­flies were doing the “wave” at a base­ball game. It was great!

Woke up on Sun­day, had a light break­fast and then I took a nap, while Amy fin­ished a book she found there, we then packed up and head­ed home. My mom had roast wait­ing for us.

It was a great relax­ing week­end and a great way for Amy and I to cel­e­brate our 8 years of marriage!

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