
So I have sucked at keep­ing this blog updat­ed. But, well, that’s because my life has become insane-crazy.

So what has been keep­ing me away?

  1. I have been sick for about four weeks now. Final­ly feel­ing bet­ter, but still a lit­tle congested.
  2. I am work­ing with a free­lance client I worked with last year on two HUGE projects. Very excit­ing, but lots to do and no moti­va­tion to do it since being sick, but I am press­ing on. I can’t let them down.
  3. Open­ing up an ama­teur pho­to stu­dio out of my house. Amy and a few friends/acquain­tances of ours are tired of crap­py, expen­sive pho­tos for dance, school, etc. So I have been hired to do por­traits. Scary, but fun, but lots of work.
  4. My sec­ond col­lege course is BUSY! Every oth­er day I have an assign­ment I need to post online and read about 85 pages a week. UGH! Being sick has not helped my motivation.
  5. Per­son­al projects have been put on hold. (i.e. scrap book­ing, fin­ish­ing Dominic’s baby blanket–I made him one, but he loved it so much it got holey, so my mom took it apart, tied all the scraps of yarn togeth­er and I am remak­ing it for him.)
  6. Fig­ur­ing out our bills/budget has been tak­ing up some time too.

So, I have been major­ly busy and not moti­vat­ed to do anything.

I have also been depressed. I am tired of my weight, but damn, do you know how hard it is to effec­tive­ly pay atten­tion to what you eat, when you eat and how much. Work­ing third shift does­n’t help either, because you eat when your body wants to be sleep­ing, so your metab­o­lism is shot. And I hate walk­ing around the neigh­bor­hood, so I would rather have a tread­mill, but I have no place to put it.

Still on the Board for the com­mu­ni­ty. But I don’t want to be. I am tired of it, but I can’t quit, because I feel noth­ing would get done. And I would still like to know the state of the park. Some sort of warn­ing if any­thing goes wrong. That and if I quit, I can only imag­ine who would take my place and NO THANK YOU!

Okay, I guess I am done bitchin for now.

I am sooooo tired. It is 7:15am and I have about 15 min­utes to go before I can go home and go to bed!

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