Well, I did­n’t get any­thing done that I want­ed to this week­end, but I had fun!

Fri­day night I went to a scrap­book crop and I worked on sort­ing all my dig­i­tal pho­tos. Amy did­n’t want to go, but she came any­way to help me…she is so nice.

Sat­ur­day I woke up and caught up on some of the iTunes TV shows I watch, while I worked on Mikay­la’s Baby book.

Then our neigh­bor friends asked if we want­ed to go out with them for some drinks. Actu­al­ly their lit­tlest one asked Amy is she want­ed to ‘go out’ with her dad. It was cute and funny!

We went out to Old Chica­go and had drinks and appe­tiz­ers. We then head­ed out to Roberts on 10 and saw the band Minds Eye. They were pret­ty good.

We then head­ed home and went to bed, where I slept for 12 hours. Did­n’t wake up until after 4 p.m. I then logged on to WoW and played with my broth­er-in-law for a few hours.

I then watched anoth­er iTunes show and then went to work, where I am now.…doing noth­ing. There just isn’t any work to do.

Not much else is going on. I have a Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Meet­ing this week as well as a meet­ing with the city.

I recent­ly dis­cov­ered a pod­cast the­ater. They do var­i­ous sto­ries, but I am lis­ten­ing to their Sec­tion 31 files. You can find them over at Dark­er Projects.

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