If you know me, you should know what that title is from…my absolute FAVORITE Christmas Song.
Okay, you should know me pretty well…like family member well.
Anyways, it isn’t Christmas unless I can hear that album… and fortunately for me, I have the original TV special that goes with it on VHS (that I happened to convert to DVD last year!)
Don’t know how or when, but I know will meet again. Blowin back to somehwere, like some wild restless winter’s wind.
Sorry, can you tell I am listening to it right now?
Tho the fire is hot, will just have to let it simmer
Every time I listen to this song, I think of Amy. Actually, any of those mushy kind of songs I think of my wife… You would think after being together for 10 years I would be over that… nope!
I have a feeling that I will be rambling in this post. It is 4:41 in the morning and NOTHING to do at work…
CHRISTMAS… The snows comin down,
CHRISTMAS… I’m watchin it fall
CHRISTMAS… Lot’s of people around,
CHRISTMAS… Baby please come home
Sorry, another good Christmas song I like just came on. Ya know, I didn’t used to like Christmas. Okay, I did…but only because I got presents. But then I met Amy. And she totally changed my attitude about it.
Okay, I still like getting presents the most. But just having the house decorated, Christmas music playing, baking cookies, making fudge…you can’t help but get into the spirit.
All I want for Christmas is you.…oooooooo Baby!
Hehe…I just got caught by a co-worker rockin out to my Christmas music…I am just sittin here boppin my head away, like there is no tomorrow…hey, at least I am staying awake! Unlike the rest of this week when I was sick…sick for 1.5 weeks!
Okay, back to my wife and Christmas…would you like to know what my most favoritest and memorable Christmas memory is?
When I met Amy in ’97, it was around October. We started dating in November (November 30 to be exact) and my Mom and I were the only ones you liked to decorate the house for Christmas.
My dad, the regular scrooge when it came to decorating (he liked the gift part) had us always put up decorations on my mom’s birthday (Dec. 16) and take them down the day after Christmas.
Not a whole lot of time to get into the Christmas mood.
Well, the year of 97 was pretty rough. I lost my job, my sister was having personal problems, My mom was working 3 jobs (found out later to avoid my dad) and my life was very confusing.
So my mom and I were not going to decorate for Christmas. Add to that we didn’t really have money for gifts, so Christmas was pretty bleak. I was really bummed out, because it was a tradition with my mom and I as we decorate the tree with ornaments my sister and I made throughout the years.
I don’t remember the date, but I think it was in the beginning of December, Amy, My mom and I were gonna go to the Mall of America. Except I was really sick that Saturday, so my mom and Amy were gonna go, while I rested. I literally slept the whole day.
Finally that evening, Amy comes into my room and wakes me up. The room is pitch black and I am just out of it and not sure what is happening.
She helps me to the door and I can’t figure out why the hallway is so dark, it can’t be that dark in my house (I am still in my bedroom at this point)…
So I start to walk into the hallway and there is paper covering my door! Turns out it is wrapping paper! So I open my “Gift”, which is the rest of my house and walk into the livingroom.
There is our Christmas tree, all decked out, decorated. The railing is all decorated, the works. Top it off, there is presents under the tree too and a few of my friends are over as well!
Amy spent the day with my mom gathering my friends, buying decorations and presents and decorating the house and wrapping gifts while I slept!
That was my favoritest Christmas ever! (Well, next to the sharing my children’s first Christmas’)
Isn’t she sweet. A year later we find the actual presents she had bouht for me, but lost in the move to the mobile home in Hilltop. She bought me two Nike Brand Shirt and Boss Brand Jeans. The first actual brand name clothing I ever had! I still have the jeans! I lost the shirts over the years.
Well, almost time for lunch for me…so I guess I should sign off now…
Have a Merry Christmas all and a Happy New Year!
Oh, and in case you didin’t figure it out, here is my favorite album and the lyrics to my favorite song:

Dolly & Kenny’s Once Upon A Christmas
A Christmas to Remember
You’ve made this a Christmas to remember
Springtime feelin’s in the middle of December
Strangers meet and willingly surrender
Oh! What a Christmas to remember
Almost went to Aspen but something told me no
I considered Mammoth but there wasn’t enough snow
And I even thought of Gatlinburg, it seemed so far to go
So I headed up to Tahoe for a Christmas on the slopes
And I had fantasized about Christmas in this way
Curled up by a fireplace in a Tahoe ski chalet
With a fast talking lover and some slow burning wood
But even in my wildest dreams it never got this good and
You’ve made this a Christmas to remember
Springtime feelin’s in the middle of December
Change the radio and I’ll turn the lights down dimmer
Oh! What a Christmas to remember
Strangers when we met, lovers as we leave
Christmas to remember, too good to believe
Don’t know how or when, but I know we’ll meet again
blowin’ back to somewhere like some wild restless winter’s wind
And you’ve made this a Christmas to remember
Springtime feelin’s in the middle of December
Neath the mistletoe you kissed me warm and tender
Oh! What a Christmas to remember
We loved and laughed and played and joked
Sang Christmas songs and talked to folks
Sleighed the fields and skied the slopes
Then to the lodge for dinner
Now it’s time for us to go
As our hearts melt like chimney snow
There’s just one thing I want to know
Both: Can we do this next winter
Both: Oh! What a Christmas to remember
You’ve made this a Christmas to remember
Springtime feelin’s in the middle of December
Though the fire is hot, we’ll just have to let it simmer
Oh! What a Christmas to remember
You’ve made this a Christmas to remember (Dolly: I’m gonna remember)
Springtime feelin’s in the middle of December
Though it’s cold outside we’ll just stoke the burning embers
Oh! What a Christmas to remember
Other Favorite Christmas Albums are:
Mariah Carey’s Merry Christmas
Celine Dion’s These are the Special Times