Well, I was gonna write out the entire 3‑day stay at the lux­u­ri­ous resort of Fairview Hos­pi­tal. But I don’t have that much time. So here is the skinny:

We arrive at 6 a.m. They did their usu­al checks. Amy got an IV (and did very well for not lik­ing nee­dles) they start­ed to induce her on a very small drip of Pitosin around 7:30 a.m. Her con­trac­tions start­ed nat­u­ral­ly on their own and they did not need to up the dosage.

We debat­ed if she would have a spinal shot of Phenti­nal-Markane to numb her from the waist down around 9:00 a.m. Which after a few min­utes made her blood pres­sure drop down to 68/39, And it is usu­al­ly 140/70. So they had to flush her with flu­ids through her IV to get her BP back up for about an hour. With the last two she nev­er had any pain med­ica­tion (the nurs­es were too late in get­ting it to her)

After a few hours of that (around 10:45) Amy’s con­trac­tions start­ed get­ting hard­er (she said is was more pres­sure than pain). The doc­tor walked in, and she had one push while the Doc was putting her stuff on. Once the doc­tor was set Amy had three more hard push­es and Riley was out!

That was pret­ty typ­i­cal with the oth­er kids as well. Amy does very well at childbirth.

We were able to rest for a moment and then they moved us across the hall to a small­er room. Where Amy, baby and I all took a small nap.

We did find out, while Riley was get­ting his pho­to tak­en, that the peo­ple before us in line live in our community.

We came home, to a room full of draw­ings by the kids.

To see pho­tos go here.

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