Alright, I said it… For a week I have been paint­ing Dominic’s room.

We got the crazy idea from his com­forter set. It has a match­ing bor­der and lightswitch cov­er. So we took the bor­der in and matched the col­ors at Home Depot with their cool paint computer!

We picked 3 shades of blue (although I argue with Amy that the lighter shade is more pur­ple than blue, but she just ignores me.)

Amy and Cindy cleared out the room, and then took down these strips that cov­ered over where the sheetrock pan­els were seper­at­ed. Amy then mud­ded them over and used this sheetrock paper stuff to cov­er it (which we end­ed up rip­ping down, cause it bub­bled and looked bad) so we just sand­ed down the mud.

So then we marked the col­ors and taped out the dark­est col­or. I then paint­ed it, and we let it dry after a few hours and then went to tape up for the medi­um col­or. I biffed and went to repo­si­tion the paint and it end­ed up peel­ing the dark paint. I was pissed.

So I IM’d my good friend Kiki (named changed for secu­ri­ty reasons–LOL), who used to paint as a job, and she told me what to do.

So I had to sand the walls, (they were pre-wall­pa­pered pan­els that had this vinyl like wall­pa­per) so the KILZ would hold. Then we had to put on two coats of KILZ, then remark the rooms, then tape up for the dark.

So we paint­ed the dark and wait­ed a day for it to dry. IT COULD NOT BE TACKY. Kiki stressed that a lot.

So we then decid­ed instead of doing all that work tap­ing up for all the col­ors, we decid­ed to have white stripes in between each col­or, so then I was able to paint the medi­um and light in one day as well.

So we let that dry, and then peeled off the tape. BUT, the paint bleed under­neath (because the vinyl wall­pa­per stuff is tex­tured), so the lines weren’t clean enought for me. So Amy went with white and filled in the white lines.

So, after all that was dry and every­thing was peeled off and cleaned up, we put up the border.

And we are done! I hope you enjoy the photos.

1 thought on “Never paint stripes…

  1. I love it!!!!

    I bet you watch Trad­ing Spaces or some of those shows, don’t you????

    It always seems to work so well on tv!

    The tape thing nev­er works for me. When­ev­er I try to tape some­thing, it always bleeds through, even if you use the blue painters tape. 

    What’s a per­son to do????

    Any­way, I do love it. 

    Good job, all of you. But Amy should not be doing that sort of stuff when she is preg­nant, and should­n’t real­ly be around paint fumes either!! Take it easy!

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