Well, what a week this has been.

I enjoyed not hav­ing to work so much, but this week has been crazy.

I worked all day and night Mon­day, and then every night this week.

Exhaust­ing, but I need the mon­ey and the ben­e­fits. I also found out today that I am going to work four days next week too. I should be grate­ful for the hours, but… I real­ly like stay­ing home with my wife and kids.

Let’s see… what else can I tell you…

I learned how to record vocals while play­ing back music on Adobe Audi­tion. So that will help me redo a lot of my songs. Now to just find the time to do it. I also found some oth­er cool set­tings, so know I have to re-record all my old LPs back into the com­put­er so I can re-clean them and make them sound great!

I recent­ly pur­chased X‑Men: Leg­ends for the PS2. OMG! That game is pret­ty cool, its great to devel­op their mutant pow­ers and watch them kick ass. My favorite mutant pow­ers are Jean Grey’s Phoenix Force and Stor­m’s Cyclone Fury. I haven’t seen Night­crawlers Tele­port Fren­zy, but I am sure it will kick ass. That game is addictive.

I recent­ly read Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons and Decep­tion Point. Both are real­ly good books, if you liked DaVin­ci Code, you’ll love these two (Espe­cial­ly Angels and Demons since it takes place in Italy and is more of a trea­sure hunt like the code was.)

I acquired Mari­ah Carey’s Eman­ci­pa­tion of Mimi album. I like the song It’s Like That and its respec­tive remix­es, the rest of the album will have to grown on me.

I am try­ing to fig­ure out how to take the movies that my dig­i­tal cam­era can take and put them on DVD. So far all my DVD mak­ing pro­grams can’t read these .mov files. I don’t under­stand why, so I need to fig­ure out how to con­vert them.

I am try­ing to learn how to use Adobe Encore, but man that seems daunt­ing. I may wait on that until I fin­ish Pho­to­shop, Illus­tra­tor and GoLive CS train­ing books first. Now I hear Adobe CS2 is com­ing out. I final­ly get CS and now they have 2. I will have to try and get that now too!

I still need to get QuarkX­press 6. But InDe­sign CS is pret­ty good too right now, so who knows I may con­vert (Shh­h­hh! Don’t tell anyone!)

Well, I think I have wast­ed enough time. Maybe I should go to bed..but I am not real­ly tired.


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