Well, the kids have a break from school, we have conferences tomorrow, and me and Dominic need to go on our Walk.
Dominic was having a rough time at school, so I thought that maybe me and him needed some Father/Son time. Well, a few weeks back they had the Mile walk at school and they inspired me to go out walking. Well, I decided this would be a perfect opportunity for me and him to go out and talk and bond.
Well, we went and walked once so far (work became hectic and homework was tough) but he really enjoyed it. When we can’t go out and walk, we walk in the house, or go in his bedroom and just talk about his day. I think it is really helping.
So tomorrow, we are gonna go for a walk after lunch (then maybe play some games.)
I don’t have any assignments now until after January, so my work is trying to find more work for me to do. I hope they find something soon. But at least with this time off, I can revamp my portfolio, read up on the latest design programs and learn them, and finish some projects I have had for a few years now.
Other than that, not much else is going on.
Ya know, there is some really good shows on TV right now. Close to home, medium, ghost whisperer, lost…
Currently in my iPod: