Recently I was listening to a podcast from “This Week in Photography” (they have some great discussions over there) and it got my creative juices flowin.
What would my wish list be? What would I like to photograph?
Well, like Sara France said in the podcast: “Dream Big…and make it happen…make that shoot”
And that is what I am going to do. If I can think it, I am going to try and do it. So here is a little of my photo wish list. If you would like to be apart of one or many of these (or can help in making them happen, let me know!):
- I would like to get “models” and organize photo shoots for not just me, but for other photographers to practice and “expirement” with shots we may not have thought about. If I can get some makeup artists and costume designers, thats a bonus! Of course, I need more lights for this too.
- I would love to take some models into an empty theatre (like the Orpheum or State or something similar in style) and just shot various shots…in the audience, backstage, in the lobby, etc. Even an old movie theatre (grand style) would be good too.
- I would like to find some beautiful drag queens and do lots of photo shoots with them. They typically can do their own makeup AND like any good Diva…their closets are full of clothes. So that would take care of item #1 above. Plus there could be some interesting play on imagery there…and queens, unlike some models, aren’t afraid to try outrageous things…their outrageous by nature…and they work the environment their in. (I already have GOBS of ideas for environments!)
- I would like to try photographing automobiles
- I would like to try some fashion photography
- I would like to be a second shooter at a wedding (weddings freak me out)
- I want to try some landscapes
- I want to do some self portraiture
And so much more…and I am open to other thoughts…if you have been toying with an idea for a personal photo…if its something new to me…I’ll probably shoot it for free for you.