I love donuts.…I mean, really, who doesn’t? (Unless your some kind of food freak.…then I feel sorry for you).
I know that they are not healthy for you…and I don’t pig out on them (like this photo may imply…and no, I didn’t eat them all…I just thought it would make a great photo composition…go read my fat post a few years back.)
My absolute favorite donut, is that Old-Fashioned Glazed right there. Something about the taste and texture. Especially ones drizzled with chocolate stripes or sprinkled with coconut.
I don’t like the New-Fashioned Glazed (a.k.a. Krispy Kremes style) They are usually still sticky, have no substance, I feel like I am eating air.
The Old-Fashioned are fuller with a harder glaze.…Mmmmmm.
I also like the Bavarian and white creme filled donuts (both featured).
An occasional sprinkled is good too, when I am feeling a little immature.