Okay, so a high school friend has tagged me.…so here goes:


The rules are: once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or ran­dom things, facts or habits about your­self. At the end, you choose 7 — 10 peo­ple to be tagged, list their names, and why you chose them. Don’t for­get to leave a com­ment that says, “You are TAGGED!” on their pro­file and tell them to read your lat­est blog.

  1. World of War­craft can be addict­ing and expen­sive. When you can’t jus­ti­fy the month­ly expense, you can’t jus­ti­fy throw­ing away all the time you spent lev­el­ing your char­ac­ter and gath­er­ing all that gear.
  2. Chil­dren when they are young ALWAYS pick up the things you DON’T want them to repeat. Like ‘Stu­pid’, ‘crap’ and ‘boo­bies’.
  3. I don’t drink any alco­hol but maybe 3 times a year, but I think I have my neigh­bor friends con­vinced that I love my liquor.
  4. I real­ly do enjoy lis­ten­ing to and watch­ing Dol­ly Par­ton, ever since I was two. I have all of her songs (okay, more like 90%) and all of her movies and her 1987 vari­ety show on VHS.
  5. Every time I call a com­pa­ny on the phone, they call me Mrs. Jones. I have a high/pleasant phone voice. It came in handy in High School when I could call myself in and say I was Mrs. Jones and play hooky.(Sometimes I could even call my friends in!)
  6. I have too much shit that I just can’t seem to get rid of. I keep telling say­ing, “I may need that some day!“I don’t think my wife believes me anymore.
  7. I have too much shit going on in my life. I don’t have time for the projects that are impor­tant to me, like scrap book­ing my chil­dren’s lives so they have some­thing to look back on as they get older.
  8. Amy gave a wait­ress a .46 cent tip. Long sto­ry. Read my IOWA trip post for details on why.
  9. We are get­ting a pup­py on Tues­day. I don’t like dogs. I don’t hate them, I just pre­fer cats more.
  10. I need a social life. Mine real­ly lacks…

I’ve cho­sen you if you have time!

  • Kel­lie: Your life always throws you a curve ball!
  • Amy (my wife): You don’t have a blog, but I seem to always find out more inter­est­ing things about you.
  • Nicole: I always found you inter­est­ing in high school.
  • Wendy: You crack me up all the time. I am curi­ous to see what you would write.
  • Todd: I rarely hear from you and would love to hear yours.
  • Nelah: You crack me up on the forums, curi­ous to see what you would write.

Every­one else who read this: I’m tag­ging you by extension!

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