I’m not a writer in the least bit, and I don’t blog as much as I probably should, but I thought I would give this assignment a try.
So… the thing that mystify me…
Ya know, when I signed up for this assignment, I didn’t think it would be too hard to come up with something. I mean, my wife mystifies me, my kids, even my very bizarre and often dysfunctional relatives mystify me.
But what really mystifies me. Hell, for that matter, what exactly does mystify mean? Lets take a look…
mys·ti·fy [mis-tuh-fahy] –verb (used with object), -fied, -fy·ing.
1. to perplex (a person) by playing upon the person’s credulity; bewilder purposely.
2. to involve in mystery or obscurity.
Umm… Okay… now I am a bit more confused…
[kruh-doo-li-tee, -dyoo-] –noun
willingness to believe or trust too readily, esp. without proper or adequate evidence; gullibility.
Hmm… that wasn’t really helpful… Lets try again…
mys·ti·fy (m
tr.v. mys·ti·fied, mys·ti·fy·ing, mys·ti·fies1. To confuse or puzzle mentally. See Synonyms at puzzle.2. To make obscure or mysterious.
One thing I don’t get, is why she does things a certain way even though she knows that another way would provide better results.
For instance, she will swear she told me to do something or gave me a piece of information, that apparently was vital, even though I am pretty sure she never did.
Okay, I will admit, that most of the time she probably did tell me. But, my brain is very full. I have to take care of the bills, the budget, I am on the Board at my community’s cooperative, as well as the chairperson of a committee, I work 3rd shift, I help my son with cub scouts. I mean, I can only retain so much. There are established rules to presenting information to me in my family:
- You must have eye contact. This is crucial! If I break away, then you have lost my attention and need to start all over. I can have full on conversations with people, but if I am looking at something else or my computer, then I am on auto pilot and not listening to what your saying. I am just giving our established responses to questions, “uh-huh, That’s fine, whatever you decide, yes dear” those kinds of things.
- You need to have me repeat back what you have said, so you know that I have it all and that it is in my brain somewhere. But again, with eye contact, I have been known to repeat things back when on auto pilot.
- You probably should also write it down for me or have me write it down and place it somewhere I will constantly see it. Post it on my computer is handy, or set an alarm on my PDA. Email works best!
Okay, Looking at the above makes me seem like I am really incompetent. I’m not, but for vital information, those steps should be followed.
Sad part is, my wife knows this! We have had full discussion of this! But she never follows through on this! So how can I be at fault for forgetting things!
It also doesn’t help that she has a photographic memory. She uses the argument that she never forgets anything I tell her! But yet, that same memory doesn’t work for her when she has to drive somewhere for the second or third time. Go figure!
Another thing that mystifies me about her… I don’t get why she decides to ‘play dumb’ whenever it involves showing her something on the computer.
She used to program computer code with her mother when she was a teen, yet she can’t figure out how to sort a column in Excel, or other beginner functions. No matter how many times I tell her either. I think she does it so that I will get fed up and do it for her. But this woman strives on efficiency, so wouldn’t it be efficient for her to do it herself?
And last but not least, I don’t get how she is allowed to say or do stuff, but if I try to say or do the same types of things, I get in trouble! We’re equal here, so I should be allowed to swear when I stub my toe!
The more I think on all this, the more I think she does these things just to get to me.
Matter of fact, I think she may have actually told me that once or twice… but I don’t think she had made eye contact, so I can’t be sure on that.
Even though my wife mystifies (okay… annoys) me on the above, I love her and wouldn’t change a thing!
Other’s who are participating in this assignment:
Jen Mathis
Alley Katt
Ziji Wangmo
Hooray For Saturday
Groanin’ Jock
Blue Witch
ally bean
Rayne of Terror
I like your study of that which mystifies you. Really, I think that you just wrote about marriage in general. It’s all about clear communication– or lack thereof, as the case may be.
How dare she be so mystifying!