Well, the kids are off to school this week. Court­ney and Dominic start­ed their first days of school yes­ter­day. Mikay­la start­ed hers today.

It’s so weird not hav­ing a child in the house. It’s so qui­et. Yet kind of nice.

Amy fig­ured out yes­ter­day that by the time Riley starts Kinder­garten, Court­ney will be in 10th grade, Dominic in mid­dle school and Mikay­la in 6th Grade. How odd is that!

Let’s see if I can fig­ure this out, but the time Riley is born, I will be turn­ing 28 that year. So, when he turns 18, I will be 46? Hell no, how did that hap­pen! When Court­ney turns 18 we will be 37. Dominic turns 18, I will be 39. When Mikay­la turns 18 I will be, 40. See, that was how it was sup­posed to hap­pen. When Mikay­la turned 18, I would be 40 and the kids would out of the house! Amy and I could trav­el… shit, now I will be old and decrepit by the time Riley is out of the house… too late to do any­thing but sit out on the porch and cro­chet and yell at them dang-blast­ed kids!

I hon­est­ly can’t wait until Riley is born. ANOTHER BOY!!!!! I am so excit­ed! Riley Mont­gomery Jones. Amy already has a nick­name for him… MOOSE. We will see…

It still feels weird not work­ing so much. But, not much I can do about that for now. I like the time off, I just wish I got paid for it.

We went and vis­it­ed my Grand­moth­er and Great Aunt yes­ter­day. We had a won­der­ful lunch (Beef Stroganoff – my fav, twice baked pota­toes, cauli-broc, fruit sal­ad, fried chick­en, sal­ad, black olives, cook­ies, fudge. What a spread!)

Then the kids went out­side and played with hula-hoops and soc­cer balls. Muriel sat out­side with Amy and my moth­er and watched them.

We had fun, until my grand­moth­er brought up my Uncle Skip and was pres­sur­ing me to for­give him for the way he treat­ed me grow­ing up. I told her I didn’t want to talk about it and that I for­gave him, but I still want noth­ing to do with him and noth­ing any­one says is going to change that.

I know it hurts her that we don’t have a rela­tion­ship, but, it’s his fault. And he start­ed to pull the same shit with Dominic that he pulled with me, and I won’t have that! But gram just doesn’t under­stand that. Oh, and she only brought it up because he has a house in Duluth (utter crap) that he is going to leave to some friends of his, but it’s worth a lot of mon­ey (no it isn’t) and he could leave it to me. I told her, “I don’t want it!” She start­ed say­ing it could be a great way to start school funds for the chil­dren, and I told her that I already am look­ing into that.

Any­ways, it was a good day, until we had to leave. We then came home and just veg­ged and got the kids ready for their first day of school.

I just down­loaded a lit­tle plug-in for Microsoft Word that lets me type my blog in Word, and then Blog­ger will upload it from there… kind of handy!

Well, I should stop for now and get to work­ing on some pho­tos I need to fix.

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