Yes­ter­day was my GOLDEN birth­day… And what a day it was.

First of all, I knew a lit­tle bit about what was going on. I acci­den­tal­ly found out (con­trary to peo­ple say­ing I snooped). I real­ly did­n’t want to know, I real­ly want­ed to be surprised.

So I knew some­thing was going on this week­end. I found out the actu­al Evite site (I inad­ver­tent­ly received an invite… I was check­ing her broth­ers mail for them).

Amy then sent out fake emails to her broth­ers, say­ing the par­ty would be Sun­day. Then telling me they had prob­lems get­ting into their accounts, so that I would see the email and maybe peek. Which I did, but I only read the first line, and then stopped myself.

So I was­n’t sure what day it was going to be on. But I knew that no mat­ter what Amy said, she was prob­a­bly lying through her teeth, or telling me the truth and I would think she is lying. So I was real­ly confused.

I was wait­ing for the whole day to go by so we could “go out to eat”. I was real­ly get­ting on her nerves.

So we left, we had to go get gas, then to the post office, then to the library, then she “acci­den­tal­ly” turned onto our street, so we were tak­ing an awful long time to get to the restau­rant. So I fig­ured some­thing was up.

We arrive at the Mounds View Square that hosts the Pink Flower restau­rant and she parks at the wrong set of doors, So that kin­da clued me in (plus I saw my dad’s van and my great aun­t’s car in the hand­i­capped spots!)

Good grub, Good Company!

So we walk up to the restau­rant and as soon as I walk in I hear SURPRISE! and this sea of people!

I could­n’t believe so many peo­ple were there! And friends that I had­n’t seen in years!

I got some absolute­ly beau­ti­ful cards (Man­di hand­made a He-Man card for me! Which I absolute­ly loved!)

I also got some real­ly fun­ny ones from Shaun and DeDe and Jen­nifer and Jason.

Court­ney hand made me a real­ly spe­cial card… I love get­ting cards from her.

I got some absolute­ly won­der­ful presents too!

I love this!

Josh and his fiancee Liz got me an absolute­ly gor­geous ori­en­tal jew­el­ry box, that I imme­di­ate­ly put on my ori­en­tal themed dress­er next to my bud­dhas and vas­es. They also filled it with “gold” choco­late coins… which Amy claimed!

It goes well with my oth­er stuff

I got a real­ly fun­ny book called Fur­ry Log­ic from Shaun and DeDe… with real­ly cute quotes, like “You’ll always be my best friend… you know too much.” And it has some beau­ti­ful water­col­or illus­tra­tions of ani­mals. Which, they did­n’t know this, I love water­col­ors. I am actu­al­ly try­ing to learn how to paint with dig­i­tal water­col­ors and I love cute animals!

I got an Ernie (Bert & Ernie) doll from my sis­ter… leave it to the nutjob… and a DVD with the orig­i­nal “Lit­tle Shop of Horrors”.

I received some nev­er been opened MINT LPs of Dol­ly. One I did­n’t have and two I did have, but they were scratched!

I got Gold­en Gra­hams from Mikay­la, a Cen­ten­ni­al Cougars (my high school) t‑shirt from Dominic and the card from Courtney.

Muriel and Lor­raine (My great-Aunt and Grand­moth­er) gave me a real­ly nice Black polo shirt and an alarm clock/radio/calendar/calculator thingy.

My dad gave me a $50 bill which I imme­di­ate­ly went and bought God of War for the PS2.

And Man­di got me Amer­i­can Chop­per game for the playsta­tion 2 (which was on my wish list) I played the game last night and it’s hard dri­ving a motor­cy­cle on a joy­stick. Espe­cial­ly since I have nev­er dri­ven a motor­cy­cle before.

God of War is cool too. The Boyz (Matt and Tony) are just gonna LOVE the game. Very action packed and cool!

All in all, I had a won­der­ful day. The Pink Flower always has great food. We had Sweet and Sour Chick­en, Sesame (orange) chick­en (my two favorites) and chick­en Chow mien and Egg rolls and cream cheese wontons.

What most peo­ple don’t know, is that the Pink Flower is a fam­i­ly run busi­ness. My fam­i­ly has gone there for YEARS! There would be days when you went in and you would see the “dad” sit­ting at a back table, rolling eggrolls or cream cheese won­tons. So you knew right there they were hand made, not bought through a dis­trib­u­tor and cooked. And the egg rolls are so light, I have had some that are so heavy!

But, I had a won­der­ful time and I thank every­one for com­ing! It was a blast! Amy says she is going to do it again, but this time I won’t know ANYTHING! Good!

Now I have to try and plan one for her… maybe her 30th or some­thing… any ideas?

If you would like to see some of my gifts and cards… head over to my pho­to­blog to see them!

1 thought on “SURPRISE!… What a birthday!

  1. i had a good time at the par­ty, glad you liked your gift, kids looked great. you know me, not much to say

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