
So I haven’t post­ed in quite a long time. But I am hop­ing to change that. 

So, lets see…what has been going on with me?

I have become friends with some of Amy’s old High School friends. (There is three Cou­ples, and we all hang out togeth­er). They’re a great bunch of peeps and I love hang­ing out with them. We all have so much in common. 

I dis­cov­ered Face­book. LOVE IT. Much bet­ter than MySpace. I lets me stay con­nect­ed to peo­ple, with­out hav­ing to actu­al­ly try.

I got an iPhone this sum­mer. LOVE IT. Since I com­mu­ni­cate 98% of the time by email/Facebook, it allows me to stay con­nect­ed no mat­ter where I am. Not hap­py that it is AT&T, but for now, I am fine with it.

Amy got us a Wii for christmas…after sell­ing all of our game sys­tems (we had like 5), I was fine with not hav­ing anoth­er sys­tem in the house. I play WoW, so I don’t need any­thing else. But I love the Wii…Nintendo out­did them­selves in mak­ing a fam­i­ly friend­ly con­sole. From parental con­trols, to usabil­i­ty, to fun games and “using your whole body” and even encour­ag­ing fitness…love it.

I became a sec­re­tary on the Cub Scout Pack Com­mit­tee. I also became a reg­is­tered Girl Scout (in a way) as a vol­un­teer. I am the Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Rep­re­sen­ta­tive for the Ser­vice Unit. Which is real­ly reward­ing. I get to hear all the great things the girls are doing in our Ser­vice Unit and spread that infor­ma­tion with the media of our local community. 

I also still help Amy with the Cook­ie Sales as Co-Ser­vice Unit Cook­ie Manager.

I am back with work­ing with the Paul Revere Coop­er­a­tive as the Communications/Marketing Chair­per­son. A posi­tion that I helped create. 

My free­lance busi­ness is doing well. I am still work­ing with my main client, and have gained anoth­er client and a ven­dor part­ner. It’s been a learn­ing curve so far this year, and I have had to make some tough deci­sions on where I want my busi­ness to go and what I want to offer. 

I broke my cam­era (lens broke right off and it won’t snap back on). So that is off the Nikon for repair. I feel lost with­out it!

I have been debat­ing about whether to make the switch from tra­di­tion­al Album Mak­ing (paper, punch­es, etc.) to Dig­i­tal Album Mak­ing using Sto­ry­book Cre­ator Plus. I think I have cho­sen to go digital…now just to fig­ure out what to do with all my paper.…

Speak­ing og SBC+, I have been cre­at­ing tuto­ri­als on how to use the soft­ware and I think I might make a pod­cast out of it for my wife’s clients/friends to use, since I get so many ques­tions on my technique. 

I might post them here too as I make them…

We are try­ing to Pot­ty train Riley…not going so hot…he is one stub­born lit­tle boy…

Not much else going on at the moment…I’ll try and post more.…

1 thought on “It’s been quite a while

  1. 7, it was 7 video game sys­tems we had in the house. We had Intel­livi­sion, Cole­co, Atari, Sega Sat­urn, Orig­i­nal Nin­ten­do, Game Cube and PS2. I sold them to a cou­ple of friends/family and two used game places and made some­where over $600 for all of it. Boy is it nice to have just one sys­tem in the house!

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